Нови фабрика за бетон Constmach Compact Concrete Batching Plant 100 M3/H

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Контакти на продавачот

Despite its compact dimensions, the compact 100 provides a high production capacity of 100 cubic meters per hour, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including ready-mixed concrete, precast concrete production, and dry-mix applications. Its skip hoist system ensures reliable aggregate transfer while minimizing the required operational area. The plant is manufactured in compliance with CE standards, ensuring durability, reliability, and safety.
One of the key advantages of the compact 100 is its versatile aggregate storage options. Users can choose between a linear-type or square-type hopper configuration, similar to stationary and mobile batching plants, respectively. Additionally, its modular structure allows for easy transportation and fast installation, reducing the time and cost associated with setup. The plant requires minimal site preparation, needing only a flat concrete surface capable of supporting its total load.
The compact 100 is also equipped with an advanced automation system featuring SIEMENS – SCHNEIDER brand electronic components and PLC-controlled software. This ensures seamless operation, precise batching, and user-friendly control, making it an excellent investment for businesses looking to maximize productivity with minimal labor requirements.
Compact 100 with Skip – Technical Specifications
Main Plant Features
Production Capacity: 100 m³/h
Weight: 35,000 kg
Total Motor Power: 175 kW
Electric Generator Requirement: 250 kVA
Mixer Options: Pan, Single Shaft, Twin Shaft, Planetary
Required Operating Area: 300 m²
Technical Specifications
Aggregate Hopper Volume: 4 x 20 m³
Aggregate Weighing Hopper: 2 m³
Aggregate Weighing Conveyor: 800 x 13,000 mm
Skip Hoist Bucket Volume: 3 m³
Mixer Wet Concrete Volume: 2 m³
Cement Weighing Hopper: 1,200 kg
Water Weighing Hopper: 600 liters
Additive Weighing Hopper: 30 liters
Air Compressor: 500 liters, 7.5 kW
Cement Silo: Optional (50 to 500 tonnes capacity)
Control Type: Full Automatic
Why Choose Compact 100 with Skip from CONSTMACH?
Investing in a compact 100 concrete batching plant means choosing a reliable, high-performance system designed for efficiency and ease of use. At CONSTMACH, we combine advanced manufacturing techniques with years of industry experience to deliver durable and cost-effective concrete solutions.
One of the biggest advantages of our compact 100 model is its low infrastructure requirement. Thanks to its self-supporting cement silos with steel legs, there is no need for additional concrete foundation construction, saving both time and money. The built-in metal side walls further simplify the process by allowing easy aggregate ramp construction without requiring separate concrete walls.
Additionally, the compact 100 is engineered for energy efficiency, ensuring reduced operational costs while maintaining high performance. The plant’s modular design enables quick assembly, minimizing downtime and allowing businesses to start production almost immediately.
For those seeking a high-efficiency concrete batching plant price that offers top-tier performance, the compact 100 with skip is an excellent choice. With customizable cement silo capacities, various mixer options, and a fully automated control system, it meets the demands of modern construction projects with ease.
Choose CONSTMACH for quality, reliability, and cost-effective concrete solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our compact 100 with skip for sale and get the best pricing options for your project.