Машина за пакување со термособирачка фолија OCME VEGA S 60-2-F

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Контакти на продавачот

Used Shrink Wrapper OCME VEGA S 60-2-F 48000 bph
The used shrink wrapper OCME VEGA S 60-2-F is a high-performance and reliable packaging solution, ideal for wrapping bottles, cans, or other containers using shrink film. Designed for high-speed production lines, this machine can achieve an impressive output of up to 48,000 bottles per hour (BPH), making it suitable for large-scale production needs while ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
Main Features
Model: OCME VEGA S 60-2-F
Maximum speed: Up to 48,000 bottles per hour
Configuration: Operates on 2 tracks to optimize production capacity
Supported formats: Various bundle configurations such as 3×2, 4×3, and 6×4, compatible with PET bottles, glass bottles, or cans
Packaging material: Shrink film, with or without tray support
The OCME VEGA S 60-2-F is engineered to support different formats, enabling flexibility in meeting various packaging requirements. With its dual-track setup, the machine maximizes production efficiency, ensuring consistent throughput even during intensive operation.
Benefits of the OCME VEGA S 60-2-F
High productivity: Thanks to its dual-track design, the machine is tailored to meet the needs of high-demand production environments, such as large beverage or food processing plants.
Format versatility: It seamlessly handles multiple packaging configurations, whether you need multipacks for retail or bulk distribution.
Energy efficiency: Designed with optimized thermal systems to reduce energy consumption while maintaining fast and reliable shrink wrapping.
Robust and reliable: Built with industrial-grade components, the machine ensures long-lasting operation, even in challenging production settings.
Easy maintenance: Features accessible components for fast, routine maintenance and minimal downtime, enhancing productivity on the production floor.
The OCME VEGA S 60-2-F is versatile and ideal for various applications, including:
PET or glass bottles: Suitable for packaging water, soft drinks, beer, and oils.
Cans: Designed to handle beverage cans for soft drinks, beer, or food products.
Other containers: Handles a wide range of plastic, glass, or composite containers, making it suitable for both food and non-food industries.
The ability to switch between different formats and configurations ensures that the machine is ready to adapt to changing production demands. Whether you are packing small retail units or larger multipacks, this machine guarantees flexible operation without sacrificing efficiency.
Why Choose a Used OCME VEGA S 60-2-F?
Opting for a used shrink wrapper like the OCME VEGA S 60-2-F offers businesses the opportunity to acquire premium packaging equipment at a fraction of the cost of a new machine. Each unit undergoes rigorous inspection, testing, and servicing to ensure full functionality and operational readiness before delivery.
With its impressive speed and configuration options, this machine is an excellent investment for production lines seeking to optimize performance without major capital expenditure. Moreover, it guarantees consistent, high-quality results for every packaging operation.
By integrating a high-speed machine such as the OCME VEGA S 60-2-F into your production line, you benefit from reduced labor costs, improved packaging precision, and minimal downtime. The robust design ensures that the machine can handle prolonged operations, making it ideal for manufacturers in the food, beverage, and household goods industries.
The Used Shrink Wrapper OCME VEGA S 60-2-F 48000 bph is an excellent choice for companies aiming to modernize their packaging processes while maintaining cost efficiency. Its advanced features, speed, and ability to handle multiple configurations make it a valuable asset for high-capacity production lines. If you are looking to optimize your packaging performance, this machine delivers reliability, flexibility, and outstanding value.
With its proven track record in industrial packaging, the OCME VEGA S 60-2-F is your solution for boosting productivity, reducing costs, and ensuring smooth production workflows. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your packaging capabilities with industry-leading machinery.
Speed: 48000 BPH
Products: Alcohol, Beer, Dairy, Detergents, Juice, Oil, Soft Drinks, Spirits, Spumante, Tea, Vinegar, Water (Sparkling), Water (Still), Wine (Sparkling), Wine (Still)
Containers: PET
Formats: 1.5 L, 2 L
Safety features: Yes
Manuals: Yes
Film type: Neutral
Tray: Available
Operating type: Automatic
Works with printed film: Yes
Machine feed type: Straight
brand: OCME